


手機(jī): 15866735826

郵箱: 394441862@qq.com




來(lái)源:http://www.xuzhengshun.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-02-10


Before the equipment, first measure the pipeline, ground treatment (in the case of replacement or compaction), foundation pit slope, excavation, the orientation of temporary fixing of columns, protective railing, pouring concrete foundation, fastening and adjustment of foundation pit fence. Surveying and mapping: carry out the construction layout according to the drawing planning requirements and practical terrain and guidelines, set the column center line, and set the equipment guardrail according to the regular slope and alignment.
The original foundation treatment is an important condition to ensure the stability of the guardrail and the whole. In order to ensure the stability of the column, it is necessary to replace and strengthen the soft layer under the foundation. For the column equipment, from the longitudinal section, the column axis is straight and should not be uneven; From a high point of view, the top of the column is smooth and should not be uneven, especially the terrain is outside. The benchmark and white line are established on the basis of investigation and sailing. The original ground was filled and the slope was tamped again.
During the excavation of foundation pit, the setting out orientation of equipment shall be ensured to ensure the size of foundation pit. In the process of foundation pit column equipment, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the column and the close connection with the foundation. In the process of column equipment, select small segments to test the straight line of column equipment, and adjust some parts to ensure that the straight line and curve segments are smooth, and the column meets the requirements of planning drawings. It is necessary for the grid to be closely connected with the column, and the grid surface is smooth and flat without obvious warpage and protrusion. After the equipment guardrail, the equipment column shall be installed to ensure the correctness and robustness of the equipment.
The foundation pit guardrail can effectively maintain the construction safety only after accurate and robust equipment, so the preparation work before the equipment is also particularly important, and must not be careless. The detailed equipment process depends on the practice of the construction site.

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