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來源:http://www.xuzhengshun.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2022-12-02

Urban construction can not be separated from the construction site. In order to protect the safety and beauty of the construction site, we usually choose the construction fence to solve this problem. However, the use of construction enclosure shall comply with three "sufficiency", which will be explained by the construction enclosure manufacturer below.
1、 Strong enough
In the process of enclosure construction, one of the first criteria to ensure the construction enclosure is to have a certain degree of stability, because for this reason, if the stability can reach a higher standard, then in this case, it can ensure that the enclosure will not be damaged by various minor impact forces during the construction process, so that the construction site can be more effectively separated from the non construction site, So this is a very important principle, which must be strictly followed!
2、 Clean enough
This is also an indispensable principle, because for the construction fence, when using this method to maintain the construction site, if its cleanliness is very poor, especially in the periphery of the construction site, such sudden protrusion or other situations will occur, which will seriously affect the use of urban roads, and may even cause more serious traffic accidents. So when building the fence, You also need to keep it tidy!
3、 Beautiful enough
This is also essential. Many people may think that the main role of the construction fence is to separate the construction site from the non construction site. For the construction site, the aesthetic requirements are not particularly high, but in fact, this is not the case. Especially in the periphery of the fence, if it can achieve a high aesthetic degree, the construction site can avoid affecting the city appearance during construction, Therefore, in order to avoid these construction sites during construction and cause serious damage to the city appearance, it is necessary to ensure that the construction fence has a certain beauty!
According to the above introduction and analysis, we can know what principles to follow when implementing the construction enclosure. If we can meet the above standards, we will certainly help many construction sites to do a good job of maintenance. Come to our website for more information http://www.xuzhengshun.cn Ask and understand!

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