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來源:http://www.xuzhengshun.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-02-20

The enclosure adopts a frame-type structure, and the key points of core stress are composed of columns, diagonal braces, and transverse brace stiffeners. The whole series of standardization of Jinan Weifang can realize standardized production and standardized splicing and installation. The solid concrete base under it is also prefabricated in the factory. The site only needs to level the ground and then assemble it. All bolts can be installed at the construction site, so as to achieve high energy efficiency production, rapid transportation and splicing installation, saving more than half of the original construction period.
Fencing shows obvious advantages:
1. Low cost. The cost of enclosure is 1/3 lower than that of ordinary brick enclosure.
2. Reuse. The steel components of the steel structure enclosure can be recycled 100%, and the prefabricated enclosure can be disassembled, assembled and reused.
3. It is highly efficient and flexible. It is convenient for turnover, installation and disassembly, and general vehicles can be transferred to the next place, greatly accelerating the construction speed of the project.
4. Safe and stable. The physical performance of the fabricated enclosure is better than that of the ordinary brick enclosure and the color steel enclosure. Its compressive strength, flexural strength, impact resistance and other indicators meet the national standards, greatly ensuring the construction safety.
5. Tailored. The enclosure wall is rich in floral decoration, which can be UV printed, and can be used outdoors for 5-8 years without fading, and can also be directly covered with advertising cloth.
Note: The enclosure shall not be damaged during construction. After the construction of the enclosure, the connection between the plate and the steel lining must be loose. After the enclosure construction is completed, the connection between plates shall be smooth, and the straight section shall be in a straight line. No joint shall be left between plates, that is, construction outside the site cannot be seen inside. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.xuzhengshun.cn Ask!

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