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來源:http://www.xuzhengshun.cn/   發(fā)布時間:2024-03-22


1. Nowadays, using fences for advertising is a common commercial promotion method, mainly applicable to the development of real estate projects, and has become an essential promotional tool for real estate development. The engineering advertising enclosure requires overall bright and attractive colors, clear levels of layout, distinctive features, and a three-dimensional sense.



On the one hand, the construction site fence is to separate the construction site and reduce the adverse effects of on-site construction on the outside world; On the other hand, it can create its own image for the project and assist in project promotion. The construction site landscape advertising fence is usually visually conveyed through the creativity and color of the image.


3. The construction site fence should not only provide dust and noise reduction, but also have more beautification and greening functions like this. Shortened the construction period and improved the stability of the fence against wind.


4. Landscape advertising fences are mainly used to beautify the construction site, protect the safety of construction equipment and materials, and can serve the purpose of promoting the project. The production process of engineering fences is fast, the engineering cycle is short, and installation is also very convenient. If a project is completed, the dismantling of engineering fences is also very convenient, which is conducive to handling unexpected situations and can be recycled and reused.


5. Construction site fence can be said to be a very distinctive advertising form in the real estate industry packaging. Good fence advertising can achieve the purpose of promotion and project sales. Improper design of fence advertising can damage the project image.

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